
Plant Homework Help
Secondary Growth (Lateral Meristems)


Tutorial 35.1 Secondary Growth: The Vascular Cambium

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Tutorial 35.1 Secondary Growth: The Vascular Cambium W.F. Freeman Publishers Has an introduction, animation, conclusion and quiz. READ MORE

Cork cambium

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Cork cambium Wikipedia.org Cork cambium is a tissue found in many vascular plants as part of the periderm. The cork cambium is a lateral meristem and is responsible for secondary growth that rep READ MORE

Concept 14: Lateral Meristems

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Concept 14: Lateral Meristems BioCoach Activity Pearson Prentice-Hall There's a labeled graphic you can review and then answer the questions below it. READ MORE

Plant Structure: Lateral Meristems

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Plant Structure: Lateral Meristems BioCoach Activity Prentice Hall In woody plants, secondary growth of stems and roots occurs through the activity of two lateral meristems: the vascular cambiu READ MORE

Plant Structure: Secondary Growth

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Plant Structure: Secondary Growth PrenticeHall BioCoach Activity Each time a cambium cell divides, one daughter cell, the initial, remains part of the cambium and the other daughter cell, the de READ MORE
Secondary growth takes place in lateral meristems; it increases the width or girth of a plant and are located on the sides of stems and roots.
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