Plant Anatomy

Plant Anatomy
Enchanted Learning

A plant is a member of the kingdom Plantae, a living organism that utilizes photosynthesis, a process in which energy from sunlight is converted to chemical energy (food). Plants are at the base of the food web and are autotrophs (or producers - organisms that make their own food). Plants vary greatly in size, shape, and the type of environment in which they live.

Structure and Function: Roots anchor the plant in the ground and absorb water and mineral nutrients from the ground. Leaves contain chloroplasts, in which photosynthesis occurs. Carbon dioxide is absorbed through pores in the leaves; oxygen is produced as a byproduct of photosynthesis and is released. Plant cells have a supportive cellulose cell wall (unlike animal cells which lack cellulose).

Please visit the web site to see a diagram of a flowering plant and learn more.

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