LanaKids - Leaf it Alone
LanaKids - Leaf it Alone
Most people are allergic to poison ivy and other poisonous plants. In fact, around 90% of the U.S. population is! The best way to keep from getting this itchy and bumpy rash is to know what these plants look like and avoid contact with them, since they won't fly up and bite you like a bug will.
Sometimes contact with a poisonous plant may be unavoidable - even if you don't actually touch the plant. Poison IvySay what? That's right - because it's the oil inside of the plant, called urushiol, not necessarily touching the leaf itself, that causes the rash. If your dog runs through the yard or woods and comes in contact with poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac, the leaf or the stem can break off, spreading the oil inside of it onto your dog's fur. Then, when you pet your dog, the oil gets on your skin, which causes the reaction. The result is an uncomfortable and blistering skin rash that may itch like crazy!
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