Ethnobotany & Ecotravel

Ethnobotany & Ecotravel
Sacred Earth

What is Ethnobotany?
Ethnobotany is defined as the study of the relationship between people and plants and most commonly refers to the study of indigenous uses of plants. In other words, it is the marriage between cultural anthropology and botany, a study that investigates the roles of plants as medicine, nurishment, natural resources or gateways to the gods. Usually it is considered a relatively young field of study. Officially it has only been recognized as an academic discipline for about a hundred years. However, this view is deceptive.

In fact, the investigation of plants and their uses is one of the most primary human concerns, which has been practiced by all cultures for tens, if not hundreds of thousands of years - its just that it wasn't called 'Ethnobotany' then. People have always depended on plants for their primary needs, (food, shelter, warmth, medicines, etc.etc.), and thus naturally have learned their uses. In the course of nomadic roaming this knowledge was exchanged with neighboring tribes, friends and foe and was gradually expanded upon. Thus, plant knowledge has been passed around the world since the beginning of time - and frequently the actual plants themselves have spread along with it.

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