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Homework Help - Poisonous Plants


Blinding Hogweed Plant Found In Rural Michigan

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Blinding Hogweed Plant Found In Rural Michigan, August 4, 2015, By Paul Heltzel, Discovery.com, A giant plant found in Michigan can cause blistering, scars and permanent blindness. READ MORE

When Plants Attack: Seriously Harmful Greenery

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When Plants Attack: Seriously Harmful Greenery, August 4, 2015, By Tim Wall & Discovery News, Gardeners pull weeds, but plants pull some nasty tricks of their own. Within many gardens and lawns READ MORE

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Is This Poison Ivy? by Leigh Fulghum FloridaPlants.com Encountering a plant with three distinct leaves does not necessarily mean the worst- Virginia Creeper is a native plant beneficial to Flori READ MORE

Poison Ivy

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Poison Ivy KidsHealth.org "Leaves of three - let them be! You've probably heard that little rhyme about poison ivy, the plant that can cause an itchy rash. But did you know that poison ivy, poison READ MORE

First Aid for Poison Ivy

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First Aid for Poison Ivy American Institute for Preventive Medicine Poison Ivy (Oak, Sumac) Poison ivy, oak, and sumac are the most common plants that cause a skin rash. A sap that comes from t READ MORE

The 10 Most Common Poisonous Plants

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The 10 Most Common Poisonous Plants, By Robin Lloyd, May 17, 2007, LiveScience, "Most plants are safe, but here are some you need to know about. They might be in your own yard or even in the h READ MORE

List of poisonous plants - Wikipedia

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List of poisonous plants Wikipedia.org Below is an extensive, if incomplete, list of plants containing poisonous parts that pose a serious risk of illness, injury, or death to humans or animals. READ MORE

Common Poisonous Plants and Plant Parts

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Common Poisonous Plants and Plant Parts, Texas A&M University, "Vegetation helps sustain life. We eat many plants, herbs and so forth in our daily diet. But, we must remember to be choosy. Some pl READ MORE

Toxins and Your Dog

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Toxins and Your Dog, Jenna Stregowski, RVT, About.com Dogs Guide, "Your dog's world is full of new scents, sights and adventure. Along with these new experiences come plenty of dangers, too. Thes READ MORE

ASPCA Pet Tips: 17 Common Poisonous Plants

Votes:33 Comments:0
ASPCA Pet Tips: 17 Common Poisonous Plants Dr. Steven Hansen Youtube.com What flora should be forbidden in your home, pet parents? Dr. Steven Hansen, veterinary toxicologist & ASPCA Senior Vice READ MORE

Poisonous House Plants

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Poisonous House Plants RAD Enterprises House plants can be very beneficial in our homes and lives. Plants can not only purify and renew our stale indoor air, by exchanging the carbon dioxide we READ MORE

LanaKids - Leaf it Alone

Votes:24 Comments:0
LanaKids - Leaf it Alone "LEAF" IT ALONE: PLANTS TO KEEP AWAY FROM Most people are allergic to poison ivy and other poisonous plants. In fact, around 90% of the U.S. population is! The best wa READ MORE

Pumping Up Poison Ivy

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Pumping Up Poison Ivy, By E. Sohn, June 7, 2006, Science News for Kids, "Boosting carbon dioxide levels makes poison ivy grow faster and become more toxic." Please visit the web site for the READ MORE

Index of Poinsonous Plants

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Index of Poinsonous Plants Botanical.com Click on a name for a photo and description. READ MORE

Cute Killers: 16 Unassuming-but-Lethal Poison Plants

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Cute Killers: 16 Unassuming-but-Lethal Poison Plants, Web-Ecoist Images of the 16 poisonous plants and a description that explains what happens if too much is ingested. READ MORE

Poisonous Plants

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Poisonous Plants AgriLife Extension Texas A&M System "Vegetation helps sustain life. We eat many plants, herbs and so forth in our daily diet. But, we must remember to be choosy. Some plants, tre READ MORE

Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center by Jim Dunphy About This Site This web site is dedicated to those individuals that have ever experienced and suffered through the itching and painf READ MORE

Plants that Kill

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Plants that Kill By Arden Dore Factmonster.com Have you ever heard the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover?" It means that things that look good on the outside aren't always good on the insid READ MORE
Toxic or poisonous plants can cause a variety of problems. Poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac can cause an itchy rash that persists for several days. Other plants have toxic parts that can cause more serious reactions like intestinal, cardiovascular, or muscular problems, and even death. Find out what poisonous plants to stay away from.
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