SparkNotes: Plant Structures
SparkNotes: Plant Structures

Introduction and Summary
The parts of the plant are divided into two basic sections, the root and the shoot. The root is comprised of all the structures below the soil, and the shoot is composed of the structures above. Included in the shoot of seed plants are the stem, the leaves, and the seeds. Additionally, angiosperms contain flowers as part of their shoots. Each of these structures is vital in different ways to the plants existence.

The seed, which develops from an ovule after fertilization has occurred, surrounds the plant embryo and protects it from desiccation. Each seed consists of an embryo, food source, and protective outer coat, and can lie dormant for some time before germinating. Angiosperm seeds (the seeds of flowering plants) are contained in protective ovaries (that later become fruit), which help to protect the seeds from drying out and aid in their dispersal.

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