Seedless Plants -
Seedless Plants

Ferns, horsetails, mosses, and liverworts do not produce flowers or grow from seeds. The life cycles of these plants have two distinct stages - one in which SPORES are produced, and one in which sex cells (sperm and eggs) are produced. Most seedless plants live in damp and shady habitats. Certain types of mosses, called PEAT MOSSES, grow in vast expanses of wetlands in the northern parts of the world.

Bryophytes do not have true roots. They have hairy, rootlike growths called rhizoids that anchor the plants to the soil, but do not draw up water. Instead, their leaves absorb moisture in the air. Because they need little or no soil in which to root, bryophytes are often the first plants to colonize thin soil. Like the liverwort in this picture, bryophytes can also grow on bare rocks.

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