I Can Do That! - Plant Cells

I Can Do That! - Plant Cells

Eureka ! Science offers the I Can Do That! web pages as a painless way to find fun facts about DNA, RNA, cells, protein and cloning.

We believe that when we find a topic interesting, we absorb vast amounts of information, painlessly. Think of people you know who have memorized the batting stats of every major league player, relatives who know all the latest gossip on the Hollywood set, friends who could write a book on the Civil War, and neighbors who can explain what is happening in the most recent X-files. Have they stayed up nights meticulously studying innumerable library books? No Way! They have simply been enjoying themselves.

These web pages are offered in the same spirit. We will not send you a test in the mail. If the information gets a little thick, just keep going. It will lighten up again. Promise! Science really is full of fun facts. So...

We are proud to offer a new expansion of our website by providing 'for parents and teacher' pages as well as 'Ask Dr. Pat' and 'Science News'. Our 'for parents and teacher' pages include a more adult approach to the science material as well as links to helpful websites for further information. These all complement our fun and easy approach to biology topics.

Please visit the web site for more information.

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